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Autor Mesaj
Grup: Administrator
Mesaje: 6933
07 Aug 2009, 02:54

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Am tras un cautat pe goooooogle cu...

latex filetype:tex

Destul de sus am dat de

dar desigur, si celelalte raspunsuri la cautare sunt de luat in considerare.

Dam doar de cod (la)tex, este imposibil sa nu se satisfaca fiecare gust.

In alta ordine de idei.

Mai intai trebuie instalat un LaTeX solid.

Eu recomand: Se instaleaza Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc. 6 pasi simplii, descrisi peste tot. Dureaza cam 1-2 ore. Se instaleaza pe 5GB intr-o partitie noua in locul la alte date fara noima. Se instaleaza apoi synaptic prin comanda sudo apt-get install synaptic. Se da drumul la synaptic din meniu, daca nu prin sudo synaptic & si in synaptic se dau SETARI DE BUTOANE, mai intai pe toate pachetele textlive, apoi pe toate jocurile (spider, mahjong, enigma), apoi pe toate programele de prelucrare de imagini, video, audio (lmms, audacity)... etc. La sfarsit, dupa ce se vor face primele progrese in LaTeX, deja nu mai e nici un joc necunoscut, toate chat-roomurile sunt cunoscute, pe Freenode se plimba omul ca pe bulevard (xchat), cu pidgin sau kopete in sfarsit un i-messs normal...

Poate ca la fortunes va veti pierde cateva luni de ras copios...
(fortunes-mario este de luat in considerare inainte, in timpul si dupa orice petrecere...)
De exemplu:

dan@casablanca $> fortune

### Computer Programmer Contest ###

Jesus and Satan have an argument as to who in the better programmer.
This goes on for a few hours until they come to an agreement to hold a
contest, with God as the judge.

They set themselves before their computers and began. They type
furiously, lines of code streaming up the screen, for several hours
straight. Seconds before the end of the competition, a bolt of
lightening strikes, taking out the electricity. Moments later, the
power is restored, and God announces that the contest is over.

He asks Satan to show what he has come up with. Satan is visibly
upset, and cries, ``I have nothing. I lost it all when the power went

``Very well, then,'' says God, ``Let us see if Jesus fared any
better.'' Jesus enters a command, and the screen comes to life in
vivid display, the voices of an angelic choir pour forth from the

Satan is astonished. He stutters, ``B-b-but how?! I lost everything,
yet Jesus' program is intact! How did he do it?'' God chuckles,
``Everybody knows...Jesus saves.''

Daca tot ati instalat latex prin texlive, exista si documentare la departare de un click: texlive-doc-en, texlive-doc-de, ... exista si pana texlive-doc-vi, dar cumva nu exista inca texlive-doc-ro... hm...

Un editor bun e intotdeauna bun (pe viata)..
emacs nu trebuie sa fie decat pentru cei maritati cu tastatura,
desi xemacs are suport pentru vazut formule "ca in viewer"
dar neaparat incercati


daca lucrurile par complicate la capitulul editat orb formule...

La fel de usor, prin cate un click vin:
acroread, okular, xpdf, kpdf, gview, evince, xchm, xdvi, ...
toate lucruri utile cand omul lucreaza cu latex...

In fine, daca tot sunteti aici, dati un click si pe sagemath, asymptote, metapost...

In rest... kstars, celestia, kalzium, etc. (sectiunea Science/Stiinta)

Spor la tex... E doar o parte din marea prajitura...

df (gauss)
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