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--- x
Semnul pentru echivalenta este obtinut cu \Leftrightarrow ('L' mare):
[equation]$ ax^2-(a+2)x-1=x^2-x-a $[equation]
--- 'logarithm' and 'algorithm' are permutations!!!
--- 'logarithm' and 'algorithm' are permutations!!!
--- 'logarithm' and 'algorithm' are permutations!!!
--- 'logarithm' and 'algorithm' are permutations!!!
[eroare: eq.0/6135] $\left(\frac\-5,\2\right)$
--- 'logarithm' and 'algorithm' are permutations!!!
mai simplu e cu creionul....
--- "Castigi cu mintea daca e treaza in tine."
EDIT Admin: Nu trebuie sa puneti \begin{document} \end{document} aici in Forum. Sunt automat adaugate. In plus nu puteti amesteca elemente de formatare LaTeX cu cele de Forum (gen culoare , bold, etc)
--- just me ...
[Citat] [Citat] [eroare: eq.0/6842] $\begin{document}
\sum 1+2+...+n = \sqrt{4} + \oint
\end{document} $ |
Credeam ca e numai din cauza $. Nu-i asa !
--- Doamne ajuta...
--- just me ...