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Forum » Amuzamente matematice » De fapt, sa consideram o functie de o variabila complexa...
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26 Nov 2013, 19:02

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De fapt, sa consideram o functie de o variabila complexa...    [Editează]  [Citează]

La numarul 68 avem:
Hilbert had a student who one day presented him with a paper purporting to prove the Riemann Hypothesis. Hilbert studied the paper carefully and was really impressed by depth of the argument; but unfortunately he found an error in it which even he could not eliminate. The following year the student died. Hilbert asked the grieving parents if he might be permitted to make a funeral oration. While the student's relatives and friends were weeping beside the grave in the rain, Hilbert came forward. He began by saying what a tragedy it was that such a gifted young man had died before he had had an opportunity to show what he could accomplish. But, he continued, in spite of the fact that this young man's proof of the Riemann Hypothesis contained an error, it was still possible that some day a proof of the famous problem would be obtained along the lines which the deceased had indicated. "In fact," he continued with enthusiasm, standing there in the rain by the dead student's grave, "let us consider a function of a complex variable...."

In traducere aproximativa...

Hilbert a avut un student, care, intr-o buna zi, i-a prezentat un articol pretinzand ca a demonstrat Ipoteza lui Riemann. Hilbert a studiat cu atentie articolul si a fost intr-adevar impresionat de adancimea argumentului. Dar, din pacate, el a gasit o eroare care nu a putut-o elimina. In anul urmator, studentul a decedat. Hilbert a intrebat patintii in doliu daca ar putea tine o mica oratie funerala. In timp ce rudele si prietenii studentului stateau inlacrimati de cealalta parte a gropii, Hilbert incepu... mai intai prin a spune ca este o tragedie faptul ca un tanar atat de inzestrat s-a stins inainte de a avea oportunitatea sa arate ce poate demonastra. Insa, desi aceasta aproape-demonstratie a tanarului matematician a Ipotezei lui Riemann contine o eroare, ar fi inca posibil ca intr-o zi, o demonstratie a faimoasei probleme sa fie data pe linia trasata de cel decedat.
"De fapt", continua Hilbert cu entuziasm, stand in ploaie la groapa studentului mort, "sa consideram o functie de o variabila complexa..."

Este chestie de gust, desigur... daca avem o gluma la titlul "do-good-math-jokes-exist"...
Ceva mai jos pe pagina insa, la numarul 69 pot fi acceptate fara probleme cele cateva inventii.
Am avut chiar un link acum cateva zile cu prima inventie...

Here are a few of my own inventions:

Old Macdonald had a form; ei /\ ei = 0

Save the environment: use continuation passing style!

What shape of pasta takes the least time to eat? Brachistochroni!

You might be a mathematician if you think fog is a composition.

The Yoda embedding, contravariant it is.

How are Goethe's Faust novels like isomorphisms of sets? Dey're de monic epics.

I'm kind of in two minds about this whole Schroedinger's cat thing...

qwhine, n. self-recrimination

recursive: (? damn. damn (damn)) (? damn. damn (damn))

Coeschatology: the study of the beginning of times. The coend is ming!

df (gauss)

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